March / April 2020


Gene therapy in AMD: Promises and challenges

Gene therapy could offer long-term stable control and prevent non-compliance, but the long-term effectiveness remains to be seen.

Gene therapy and editing for the retina: A primer

A look at advances in gene replacement therapy, gene delivery and CRISPR technology.

DRCR Protocol V in the real world

Here’s why we should feel more confident observing patients with center-involving diabetic macular edema with good vision.

When to operate on RVO and when to (mostly) not

The side-effect profile is significant, but a few approaches may help to extend medical treatment in selected cases.

Is drier better in neovascular AMD?

It may depend on the location of the fluid. A quick look at HARBOR post-hoc results.


Clinical Trial Closeup

Targeting a novel enzyme in GA

An investigative antibody aims to inhibit HtrA1 that contributes to progression of geographic atrophy.

Coding Commentary

New day for extended ophthalmoscopy

New rules and codes apply starting this year. The requirements are tighter and the reimbursements lower.

Editor's Page


North of the Border

Bringing PnR into your practice

Insights for adopting pneumatic retinopexy.

Retina CEO

How to lock in staff in a tough job market

With unemployment at an all-time low, these seven steps will help you get and keep the right people.

Retina Rounds

A Coats of many colors

A case of unilateral xanthocoria with distinct central subretinal mass.

Surgical Pearl Video

Pearls for complex diabetic TRD repair

Patience and persistence are key to relieving the tractional forces on the retina.