Imaging Forum

Edited by Jason Hsu, MD

Acute macular neuroretinopathy

OCT is invaluable in diagnosing, managing, and understanding this condition.

An atypical presentation of ocular toxoplasmosis

Diagnostic testing and multimodal imaging may help avoid a delay in treatment.

The dark side of pentosan

The vision consequences of a long-discontinued treatment for interstitial cystitis.

Slithering toward the fovea

How multimodal imaging aids in the crucial differentiation of serpiginous choroiditis from serpiginous-like choroiditis.

The dichotomy of didanosine

Even years after discontinuation, a life-saving drug for HIV patients can have deleterious effects on vision.

Epitheliopathy after a COVID-19 vaccine

Flashing spots and whitish blots: How OCTA can aid in diagnosis and surveillance.

A ser(i)ous detachment

How multimodal imaging and systemic examination helped uncover the underlying etiology of a longstanding choroidal neovascular membrane.

Vision loss tied to cancer history

How imaging helped diagnose the cause of vision problems in a woman with endometrial adenocarcinoma.

Not just pigments of your imagination

A case of idiopathic intrigue requiring investigation of an inflammatory cause.

Retinal sequelae of novel oncology drugs

Getting to the cause of blurred vision in a man with Erdheim-Chester disease.