Imaging Forum

Edited by Jason Hsu, MD

An atypical presentation of ocular toxoplasmosis

Diagnostic testing and multimodal imaging may help avoid a delay in treatment.

The dark side of pentosan

The vision consequences of a long-discontinued treatment for interstitial cystitis.

Slithering toward the fovea

How multimodal imaging aids in the crucial differentiation of serpiginous choroiditis from serpiginous-like choroiditis.

The dichotomy of didanosine

Even years after discontinuation, a life-saving drug for HIV patients can have deleterious effects on vision.

Epitheliopathy after a COVID-19 vaccine

Flashing spots and whitish blots: How OCTA can aid in diagnosis and surveillance.

A ser(i)ous detachment

How multimodal imaging and systemic examination helped uncover the underlying etiology of a longstanding choroidal neovascular membrane.

Vision loss tied to cancer history

How imaging helped diagnose the cause of vision problems in a woman with endometrial adenocarcinoma.

Not just pigments of your imagination

A case of idiopathic intrigue requiring investigation of an inflammatory cause.

Retinal sequelae of novel oncology drugs

Getting to the cause of blurred vision in a man with Erdheim-Chester disease.

FAF, OCT demystify blurred vision cause

How multimodal imaging helped to elucidate an insidious nutritional deficiency.