Social Media Specialist

Edited by Jayanth Sridhar, MD

What does it mean to be an influencer?

In today’s world, any retinal specialist can become an influencer.

Social Media Spring Cleaning for 2024

Spring cleaning is nearly here, so be prepared to organize all the clutter on those social media profiles.

Be positive, but not too positive

Presumably perfect online lives can make readers feel inadequate. Keep that in mind when consuming or posting online content.

Pharma marketing and social media

Some thoughts on avoiding the pharmaceutical digital marketing group-think.

Don’t be a Dr. Octopus

Take charge of your social media use so it doesn’t overtake your thoughts like the villain in Spider-Man 2.

The physician as social media vanguard

When social media, public education and human rights collide, what is the physician’s responsibility?

Climate change and social media

Exploring the axis of access: Pollution, health outcomes and your social media account.

The upsides of social media

A reminder of how we can benefit patients and communities by promoting health literacy and justice.

Burnish your online presence

A look at three essential tools that can boost your social media productivity.

Social media and CME

A close look at the future of lifelong learning in the Twitter era.

Beware of social media nightmares

The pitfalls of physicians failing to maintain professional ethics online.

Agency and advocacy in the digital world

How to utilize social media for patient advocacy and health promotion.

Confronting the cyberbully

Some guidance for retina specialists and physicians when they’re attacked on social media.

Combating false claims on social media

What retina specialists can do to deal with misinformation, disinformation and propaganda.

When apathy is not an option

How retina specialists can approach societal issues and racial injustice on social media.

When unhappy patients vent online

How retina specialists can address negative online reviews and unfavorable comments on social media.

Downsides of doctors on social media

How retina specialists can avoid the risks and pitfalls of putting their professional reputation out there.

Twitter as a ‘microblog’

It’s a good place to start promoting your practice online, but know the pearls and pitfalls of online content creation.

Checking your online reputation

A review of social media platforms and physician-ratings site for retina specialists.

Why you need an online brand

Crafting your own unique identity is the first step in embracing the potential of social media.