Practice Management

When apathy is not an option

How retina specialists can approach societal issues and racial injustice on social media.

When unhappy patients vent online

How retina specialists can address negative online reviews and unfavorable comments on social media.

Downsides of doctors on social media

How retina specialists can avoid the risks and pitfalls of putting their professional reputation out there.

Twitter as a ‘microblog’

It’s a good place to start promoting your practice online, but know the pearls and pitfalls of online content creation.

Strategies to reduce errors in office procedures

A review of patient safety challenges in the retina practice and steps to eliminate procedure errors.

Checking your online reputation

A review of social media platforms and physician-ratings site for retina specialists.

Know the Hazards that Lurk at 'Cell Therapy' Clinics

Commercial clinics peddle unproven therapies that have harmed patients. Retina specialists have a duty to educate their patients about these hazards.

Why you need an online brand

Crafting your own unique identity is the first step in embracing the potential of social media.

Is a Billing Service the Right Move?

It’s a way to outsource accounts receivable management, but it’s not the right decision for every practice.

The Case for Certified Personnel

Reimbursement and regulatory challenges demand certified staff.

The Case for a Drug Inventory System

A robust system should do more than count supplies. It should monitor storage and set reorder levels, too.

What VBPM Can Mean to Your Practice

A deep dive into how CMS defines and uses Value Based Payment Modifier. Part 2 of 2.

Interactive White Boards in the Office

How large touch-screens are enhancing communication between physicians and patients.

How to Supercharge Billing Functions

How quantitative accountability can improve cash flow.

Paying for Drugs When the Bill Is Due

Cash forecasting can help manage those high-limit credit cards.