Ocular Diseases

FAF, OCT demystify blurred vision cause

How multimodal imaging helped to elucidate an insidious nutritional deficiency.

Noninfectious uveitis in pregnancy

Knowing the options available for safely treating pregnant patients will empower retina specialists to confidently care for them.

PPV in the management of uveitis

Pars plana vitrectomy can be an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of uveitic disease in carefully selected patients.

Symptoms betray common masquerader

OCT imaging has made it possible to report pathognomonic features that include punctate hyperreflectivity in the choroid.

Managing TRC in posterior uveitis

Guidance for detecting and managing toxoplasmosis retinochoroiditis.

Multimodal imaging and diagnosing ARN

Retinal whitening plus vitreous inflammation mean raised suspicion for acute retinal necrosis.

A Coats of many colors

A case of unilateral xanthocoria with distinct central subretinal mass.

When to consider systemic treatments

Scenarios for systemic immunosuppression, and where conventional immunosuppressants and biologics fit in.

Personalized medicine and retinoblastoma treatment

Globe-salvaging therapies are minimizing the need for enucleation for the most common primary intraocular malignancy of childhood.

Melanoma? Or pseudomelanoma?

A patient develops two rare lesions in the same eye.

Avoid these pitfalls when ordering labs

More testing doesn’t necessarily result in better patient care and can lead to unnecessary lab work.

What’s the cause of painless vision loss?

Multimodal imaging played a valuable role in identifying primary vitreoretinal lymphoma in this patient with Alzheimer’s.

Insidious effect of HCQ therapy

This case illustrates the importance of follow-up and multimodal imaging in managing retinal toxicity.

Maculopathy in the middle

This patient with migraines presents with an unusual cause of acute vision loss.

PRP vs. anti-VEGF for DR patients lost to follow-up

After LTFU, visual acuity worsens in both anti-VEGF and PRP groups, but recovers somewhat in the former.

Strange symptoms point to rare disease

Widefield fluorescein angiography helps arrive at diagnosis after suspicious visual changes.

Zika Virus and the Eye

A look at the evidence on the ocular effects of this mosquito-borne outbreak.

Trouble With a Treated Tumor

The source of a scotoma came down to components of both differential diagnoses.

Pediatric Retina: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment

Widefield imaging, anti-VEGF agents and shorter instruments expand management options.