September / October 2022


Deep learning for AMD screening and detection

The potential of automated imaging for finding and monitoring age-related macular degeneration biomarkers.

How telemedicine and AI are changing DR screening

Teleophthalmology and artificial intelligence are bringing diabetic retinopathy screening into the primary-care setting.

The clinical potential of WF-OCT and OCTA

A look at three clinically relevant applications for widefield optical coherence tomography and OCT angiography, along with future directions.

Repair strategies for refractory macular holes

A review of techniques for operating on the small percentage of macular holes that remain problematic after primary surgery.


Clinical Trial Closeup

Senolytic therapy: ‘Entirely new paradigm’

A look at UBX1325, a small-molecule B-cell inhibitor that targets the proteins senescent cells feed on for survival.

Conference Review

Comparing techniques for RRD, MH

Prime cuts from ASRS also include a quick-response program for CRAO, and trials of agents for GA and mydriasis reversal.

Editor's Page

Imaging Forum

Epitheliopathy after a COVID-19 vaccine

Flashing spots and whitish blots: How OCTA can aid in diagnosis and surveillance.


Social Media Specialist

The upsides of social media

A reminder of how we can benefit patients and communities by promoting health literacy and justice.

Surgical Pearl Video

Scleral-fixated IOLs: A modified approach

An optimization of methods to improve efficiency when managing a scleral-fixated intraocular lenses in the operating room.

Uveitis Forum

Managing UGH syndrome

Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome, or Ellingson syndrome, requires surgery targeting the intraocular lens to resolve the cause of chafing.